Manjusha Radhakrishnan
Entertainment Editor, Largest English newspaper in UAE


I wanted to improve my stamina, breathing, wellness and regain my body before I had three children

Gokul’s combination of strength training, cardio and yoga. He’s got a keen understanding of your body, it’s strengths and challenging parts. He’s also a few trainers who shows instant results.


I have lost 5 kilos and dropped a dress size in just four weeks of continuous training. Under his mentorship, I can do 24 surya namaskars now. Earlier I couldn’t even pull off 6. He’s also aware of how to push your body to its limit without injuring you.

Apart from understanding the science behind each body movement, he’s keenly aware of why he makes you do certain reps. He’s also kind, patient yet stern. He sets an example when it comes to discipline. He’s always encouraging and helps with mitigating stress.

He’s the only trainer that I would recommend wholeheartedly. From personal experience, he has improved my body, mind, stamina.

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